L.I.G.H.T. Process Workshop

THE L.I.G.H.T PROCESS 1 day Group Workshop – Coming 2018

  • L. Live your truth
  • I. increase your intuition
  • G. guidance (learn how to receive)
  • H. hold sacred space
  • T. transformation

The L.I.G.H.T. Process is a highly trans formative process that will shift your perception of yourself. How would it feel to be able to walk in this world with confidence – knowing that you are on the right path?  How would it feel to release what no longer serves you and gain insight into how beautiful your journey really has been up to this point? If this sounds intriguing then this workshop is for you!  Discover the magic that awaits you and experience yourself as the true light of your divine essence. This course will help you make better decisions for yourself, learn to trust your inner guidance, learn to create what you want for your life, align to your higher purpose and feel the freedom of a joyful life.  Discover your unique energetic gifts. $175

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